Medical Support
Sponsored by Zanfel
On Course
Medical staff will be stationed at every transition and also out on the course. They are there to help you in emergency situations and also provide support and care. Your first line of medical and emergency support is your team and other teams out on the course.
Emergency Medical Transportation
If a team requires medical evacuation by emergency services (i.e., ambulance or helicopter) they are liable for these costs. Ensure that you have the appropriate health coverage; you are responsible for all medical coverage and medical transportation.
Race Rules, Referees, and Penalties
The AR World Championship will use the standard AR World Series Rules of Competition. The event will be adjudicated by an official AR World Series Referee.
Any time penalties awarded to a team who might place top 5 will be served on course outside the last Transition Area prior to the finish. Teams will complete their transition, hand in all boxes/bins, check out, and wait out their penalty time. Once the penalty time has elapsed, a designated official will inform the team that they may continue racing. Time penalties for teams finishing outside of prizes will be added to their finish time.