Click on the racer guide to find out all the information you need to know about the 2017 Cameco Cowboy Tough/AR World Championship.
Want an adventure with wide open spaces and unobstructed views where the deer and the antelope play? Keep reading.
If you are looking for a world-class event that covers great distances at high speed, offers an adventure through vastly different landscapes on a journey through American history (from dinosaurs to Native Americans to wild west wranglers to ghost towns), keep reading. We have the race for you.
You’ll have 6 days to cover about 500 miles, navigating your way across The Cowboy State via foot, mountain bike, and boat. This unbridled adventure takes place with the remarkable backdrop of the state’s jaw-dropping landscape, including Grand Teton National Park, and amid the state’s diverse array of wildlife. At any point it could just be you, your teammates and a bison, elk, bighorn sheep, moose, bear, antelope, wild horse, mountain lion, bobcat, or a prairie dog. Don’t forget, THIS is where the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play. The course will take racers over majestic mountains, through authentic ghost towns, down into dramatic canyons, and paddling along alpine rivers. From the climbing section, participants can take in the view for miles and miles, but teams also may explore a cave where they can’t see past their nose. Race through history on the old wagon roads used for the Oregon Trail, the Pony Express, and the Gold Rush. Trek and ride through areas where vegetation thins out into valleys with many different varieties of sage and high-elevation alpine woods. You’ll also travel up historic mountain passes topping out at over 11,000’ crossing the Continental Divide.
Join us in Wild Wyoming August 2017, to compete against the best adventure racers in the world, Mother Nature, and sleep deprivation to cross the finish line, earn the title of Cowboy Tough, and be crowned the ARWS Champions.
Click here for the July 25, 2017 press release and
here for the April 19, 2016 press release.

Ready for this awesome 24 hour version of the Cowboy Tough Expedition Race? This course was designed to give racers a taste of what the Adventure Racing World Championship was like for racers in Wyoming in 2017. We have a great course for you to run, bike, paddle, and navigate your way around in an awesome Wyoming state park and more areas of South East Wyoming. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, August 11th, 2018, at check-in at Curt Gowdy State Park. We’ll host the race out of the Camp Russell Shelter. Parking will be walking distance from the race HQ at the Causeway Campground parking area on the left hand side before you cross the causeway of the Granite Springs Reservoir inside the park. Let the person in the fee booth know that you are racing, and they’ll waive the park entrance fee.
9:30 am-11:00 am: Saturday August 11th - Race packet pickup and transition set-up at the picnic pavilion in the Camp Russell Shelter area at Curt Gowdy State Park
11:00 am: Saturday August 11th - Pre-race brief (Mandatory for all team captains)
12:00 pm: Saturday August 11th - Race start
12:00 pm: Sunday August 12th - Racers must be off the course
12:30 pm: Sunday August 12th - Awards ceremony
Race Packet Pickup/Pre-Race Brief: Camp Russell Shelter
Bike Drop: Bike drop location is Camp Russell Shelter
Race Start/Finish: Camp Russell Shelter
Sponsored by Wyoming State Parks
Curt Gowdy State Park (1319 Happy Jack Road,
Cheyenne, WY 82009).
Mountain Bike, Trail Run/Trek, Lake Paddling, Challenges, and Navigation
Course Overview
75-120 miles
Course open: 1 days (24 hours)
Solo Male and Female
2-person teams: Male, Female, and Co-Ed
Packet Pickup
Packet pickup location will be at Camp Russell Shelter. During packet pickup the team captain must be present, all forms must be completed for every team member, and fees must be paid for USARA membership if necessary. If you do not have all the forms for all team members, we will not give you your race packet until we have them in hand. During packet pickup you will receive T-shirts, sponsor giveaways, maps, Rules of Travel, and race numbers.
USARA fees of $8 for a one-day race membership or $35 for yearly membership are required for the Epic and can be paid at packet pickup.
Team Limit
25 teams
Mandatory gear will not be checked during check-in. Random checks on gear will be performed during the race. Penalty points will be assessed for any missing items. These items are not all inclusive of items you will need to complete the race. You will be out in the elements for 5-8 hours. Bring other equipment as appropriate to get you through the event.
At all times during the race each racer must have in their possession the following equipment unless otherwise stated in the Rules of Travel:
Pack to carry gear
Enough food for replenishment
Hydration system (Hydration pack, water bottle, etc. with capacity to carry at least 2 liters)
Headlamp with extra batteries
Knife with minimum 2.5-inch blade
Emergency blanket or bag
1 long-sleeve wool blend or other type of insulated top (no cotton)
Fleece/wool hat
Waterproof jacket
Closed-toe shoes must be worn during the entire race (no bare feet or open-toe sandals)
While biking each racer additionally must have:
Mountain bike. The terrain will not be paved so just make sure your bike can go on hard-packed dirt trails, rocks, and gravel roads.
Helmet (CPSC, ANSI, or SNELL certified)
Bike lights (Front & rear flashing red light to last up to 12 hours)
While paddling each racer additionally will be supplied with:
PFD Class III (provided by Rev3 Adventure)
Per team/soloist:
· Race maps (Provided by Rev3 Adventure)
· Rules of Travel (Provided by Rev3 Adventure)
· General Race Rules (Provided by Rev3 Adventure)
· Fully charged cell phone in watertight bag. Ideally bring a smartphone so you can take pictures on the course.
· Dry bag or method of keeping equipment (such as your cell phone) dry
· Compass
· Lighter
· Bike tool kit and at least one spare bike tube
· Emergency First Aid kit – Teams may use the Adventure Medical Kit Ultralight 0.7 or build their own kit as long as the kit contains the following listed required contents. (8) 2x2 or 3x3 sterile dressing, (2) 3x4 non adherent sterile dressing, (1) conforming gauze bandage, (4) 1x3 adhesive bandage, (3) knuckle adhesive bandage, (1) tape ½”x 10 yards, (1) swift wrap elastic bandage, (8) 200-mg ibuprofen, (2) antihistamine (Diphenhydramine), (2) afterbite sting relief, (1) moleskin, (5) towelettes, (3) antibiotic ointment, (1) tincture of benzoin, (3) butterfly closure bandage, (2) pair nitrile gloves, (1) tweezer,(3) safety pins, (1) duct tape.
Paddle Section
All paddle equipment will be provided including watercraft, PFD, and paddle. You do not need to bring any personal paddle equipment.
On sections of the course there will be points where you can drop your bike outside of a transition area. You may want to bring a lock to secure your bike in these situations. A bike lock is not mandatory.
The main TA is located at the Camp Russell Shelter. You may also transition out of your car after you check-in at the TA.
Races Sections
Bike Section
Road bikes are not permitted. Racers must use the same bike throughout the entire race. In the event of mechanical failures, replacement parts can be used but they must be provided by the team, other racers, or an event official. No outside assistance is allowed. Bikes will not be checked for mechanical worthiness, but we recommend your bike be in good working order.
Paddle Section
Canoes will be provided. Two-person and three-person teams will get one canoe. Soloists will get a Canoe as well. Canoes will come with single-blade paddles. PFDs will also be supplied. Outside canoes or kayaks are permitted. Outside paddles and PFDs are permitted. Canoes, paddles, and PFDs will be located at the canoe put in. You will not need to carry paddles or PFDs. If you bring your own PFD and paddle you will not need to transport them. You will not need to portage a canoe for any great distance. Personal PFDs must be class III (non-inflatable).
Teams will be provided with maps to complete the course. Mandatory checkpoints will be pre-plotted. Additional maps can be used at the discretion of the racers.
Entry Fee
Super early registration is $225.00 per team member & $250.00 for soloists until February 28, 2018
Early registration is $250.00 per team member & $275.00 for soloists until March 31, 2018
Regular registration is $275.00 per team member & $300.00 for soloists until May 28, 2018
Late registration is $300.00 per team member & $325.00 for soloists until close at midnight July 29, 2018

Registration closed June 28, 2017. If you have questions or a special request, please contact info@adventureenablers.com.
VIP registrations made up of past Cowboy Tough and 2016 ARWS competitors were snatched up in just over 2 minutes after VIP registration opened on January 13th. Additional spots were available for 2017 ARWS qualifiers. Additional spots became available as qualifying spots are not claimed, registered teams drop out or course permitting allows us to increase the registration cap of 50 teams. Waitlist participants were pulled according to ARWS ranking, nationality and position on the waitlist. Check out the roster!

AR World Championship Qualification
Teams must qualify to attend the annual pinnacle of the sport, the AR World Championship. Qualifying teams must race the AR World Championship with a minimum of two members of the team who won the qualifying spot.
The winning team at each Qualifier receives a prize of a guaranteed qualification spot and a paid entry to the AR World Championship. The second place team at each Qualifier receives a prize of a guaranteed spot to the AR World Championship. If any teams winning the 1st or 2nd place prizes already hold a qualifying spot and/or a paid entry, then these prizes are transferred to the next placed team. They are passed until they are received by a team who doesn't already hold these qualifications and/or paid spots and stops at that team and is not passed to another team in the event they are not able to race.
One spot from each Qualifier is reserved for the top placed all-national team from the host country of the Qualifier. This spot is in addition to any national team(s) who may have qualified with the 1st or 2nd place prize. A team must decide within 14 days of receiving this qualification spot if they will accept it, or it will then be passed to the next team in the results until an all-national team accepts this qualification spot.
Host country teams from the AR World Championship host may be included in the race.
26 wildcard spots are available on a first-come first-served basis.